Trademark Explanation
We would like to provide you with an explanation regarding the trademark used on our products. The trademark used on our products is ROCKBROS. In the United Kingdom, the ownership of this trademark belongs to RockBrosbike GmbH. Starting from Jan 1, 2024, RockBrosbike GmbH has granted authorization to our company, Rockbros Sport GmbH, to use this trademark. As RockBrosbike GmbH's dealer on Shopify, the products on sale are all Authentic, Rockbros Sport GmbH can use ROCKBROS trademark and ROCKBROS pictures to do promotion.
We understand the importance of brand reputation in your shopping experience, and we promise to continue providing you with high-quality products and services to ensure your satisfaction. If you have any questions or need further clarification regarding our trademark usage, please feel free to contact us. Our team is dedicated to assisting you.
Thank you for your trust and support!
UK Search for a trade mark - Intellectual Property Office ROCKBROS:
ROCKBROS Brand Authorisation:
Rockbros Sport GmbH